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Complaint Handling Procedure



DINAMIK S.A. aims to provide a high standard of services to its clients.


However, from time to time, errors can be made which may give rise to a complaint. If this is the case, we committed ourselves to handle it in accordance with the following guidelines:


  • DINAMIK S.A. ensures that a thorough and impartial investigation is carried out within a reasonable time frame after receipt of a complaint

  • You will receive a written acknowledgement within 10 business days after receipt of the complaint

  • At least, one month after receipt of the complaint, DINAMIK S.A. will send you a response. The response will bear the name and the function of the person handling the complaint.


It will also contain:


  • a final response to your complaint; or

  • a response where DINAMIK S.A. will inform you of the causes of a delay and indicate the date at which the examination of the complaint is likely to be achieved.

  • ​

You can send us your complaint (in English or French) by writing directly to the Director in charge of Clients complaints, whether by post, fax or through the following email address If you prefer, you can also do it via your usual contact person. All claims are centralized at the Director in charge of Clients complaints level.


Upon receipt of DINAMIK S.A.’s final response, should you remain dissatisfied, you may, if so wished, refer the matter to the Luxembourg Regulator, the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF) as follows:


By mail to:

Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier, Département Juridique CC

283, Route d’Arlon

L-2991 Luxembourg


By fax:

(+352) 26 25 1-2601;


By e-mail:


Or by filling in the online complaint form


The CSSF circular on the out of court complaint handling can be found on its website, indicated hereunder:



 Finally, we would like to thank you for choosing DINAMIK S.A. for servicing your business.

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Registered Office: 24-26 avenue de la Liberté, L 1930 Luxembourg.

Establishment authorization: n° 09/20 of 13.10.2020

RCS Luxembourg: B20803



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